Aberdeen Music Festival 2019
03/06/19 21:06
In spite of colds, flu, pollen and a case of measels - Albacappella managed to attend the Barbershop and A cappella class of the Aberdeen Music Festival this week where we shared top honours. Technically this means we've been at the top of the tree for a capella vocal music in Aberdeenshire for the last two years.
A great evening of music was shared at Mannofield Church with Albacappella taking equal honours with Granite City Men's Chorus and the Aberdeen Sweet Adelines. Music was the victor on an evening of great performances proving the vibrancy of the human voice working with each-other.
A great evening of music was shared at Mannofield Church with Albacappella taking equal honours with Granite City Men's Chorus and the Aberdeen Sweet Adelines. Music was the victor on an evening of great performances proving the vibrancy of the human voice working with each-other.